
by Michelle Yawger

When day has gone

Knowing there is nothing left to


I stay awake

Thinking of you.


Imagining your hands

Slowly sliding over mine

Winter turns to spring

Darkness spreads thin

Between our fingers.


Independent solitude

Makes room for two.


A comforting stillness blooms,

Successfully disrupting

A record of chaos

Residing inside me.


Chaos relinquishes its power

To a love that may falter,

But continues to grow,

To a kinder love that teaches,

To a gentler love that heals,

To a love that is

Only defined by you and me.

This love only lives in my mind.


Instead, I conform to the roaring stillness

And think of you to stay

Hopeful that,


Our worlds will collide.

Michelle Yawger is a junior new media major. Their hobbies include hiking, skating, and listening to music. Their favorite song is “Dragon” by Kota the Friend.