Pitch: A Journal of Arts and Literature is an online publication that accepts submissions of original creative work by current Cedar Crest College students in the categories of poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, scriptwriting, photography, art and digital art, video production, audio, and other creative new media works, and choreography. All works are reviewed by members of the editorial board, which consists of faculty, alumnae, and students.

Editorial Board 2018-2019:

Carlie Gausch ‘21, Senior Editor

Caila Grigoletti ‘22, Junior Editor

Melissa Mahadeo ‘22, Editorial Assistant

Annie Elizabeth Kreiser ‘23, Editorial Assistant

Alison Wellford, Faculty Advisor

Editorial Review Board 2020-2021:

First Last, Faculty

First Last, Student

First Last, Alumna

Pitch Editorial Policy

Cedar Crest College is committed to the concept of free expression of ideas in accordance with the Cedar Crest College Honor Code. As a recognized student publication of Cedar Crest College, Pitch is a forum of free expression and a participant in the uninhibited, open presentation of ideas. Content will reflect areas of student interest, including ideas and presentation formats that may arouse controversy. The administrators of Cedar Crest College entrust Cedar Crest College student authors and artists with the right to submit and responsibility to select the content of current and forthcoming publications without prior restraint from college administrators.

Pitch aims to cultivate discussion and creative freedom within the Cedar Crest College community by accepting works from undergraduate students and capturing interest from prostective students, alumnae, faculty and staff, and anyone who wants insight on women and marginalized creators. While open to all subject matter, all sensitive content will have warnings marked if published. In the pursuit of inclusion and diversity and the promortion and encouragement of the student content creators, Pitch will accept submissions in other languages, vernaculars, and styles. At the creator's request, we may publish work anonymously or under a pseudonym. Creators retain the copyrights to their work. Any work submitted may be subject to revision and editing if necessary and must be approved by the submitter. Any opinions expressed in Pitch are not necessarily those of the editors or editorial committee.

All submissions are reviewed and, if accepted, are published on a schedule set by the editorial board. The copyright for published work remains with the author.