I am so very Tired
Nicole Lewis
I am so very tired
My body is filled with lead
a gray static kind
Not fully together
I am never fully together
I wish i wasn't tired
I tell my family
And they tell me
You're so young
You have no reason to be tired
I look back to them and say
I know
I know i am
So why am i
Why am I so tired ?
my limbs still hold me in bed
Locking me to my mattress
Despite being so tired
My brain never turns off
It constantly hums
Even at 3 am
Screaming at me
Repeating thoughts
I never get rest
My body doesn't allow it
Eaten away
By my own lethargy
And no one seems alarmed
No one seems to care
I am so very tired
I am sick
Fucking tired
Of doing shit
It dosent fucking stop
You wake up
Do shit
Go to school
Do shit
Go home
Do shit
Life is just a cluster fuck of doing shit
Its work shit
Or school shit
Or home shit
There isnt a lick of rest
Youre going to school to get a better job
Working to get money to buy things and pay rent
And doing chores around the house to take care
Of the thing you worked so damn hard to get
And if you rest?
The shit piles up
Chlothes pile up
Dishes pile up
Work piles up
The only thing that dosent pile up is food
Because youre eating it and running out
Its absolutely
Fucking bonkers
And i gotta take care of my own body too
This bitch isnt self running
I gotta feed it
Wash it
Charge it
Can it do nothing on its own?
Life is a bitch, huh?
I want to smoke
I want a smoke
Fun fact
I have never smoked in my life
Not a cigarette
Not a vape
Not a herbal cigarette
Not a joint
I dont know why
But some days
I feel like taking a smoke
At night
In the cold
Will solve all of my problems
Like breathing in through that small thing
Will cure everything
Will fix everything
Nicole Lewis is a psychology major from Maryland.