
by Jordan Mcghee

Sleeping peacefully undisturbed lays a sullen beauty. 

Tucked away under the split bellies of hungry lingonberries. 

In length of ears hidden the town folk rejoice as they traverse from lam-pole to street corner uplifted by humorous repeat. 

A letter awaits upon a pouncing feline in heated chase with dinner this week. 

August begins pursuit from east to west, 

Shaken with detachment from its season, eventually the ink reunites in autumn breeze underneath August leaves. 

 Stricken with relief, she slips between smoggy halls and dafted walls. 

August approaches June, slipping between strands of gold laid upon marble tole.  

A true sight to behold. 

Cloth drapes a Priceline shell, 

A tulip bleeding stitches a veil, 

Looking down august grins at daisy roots wrapping around her letter of truth.  

Hesitant to deliver the letter, she sinks into the enclasping marble. Doubt turned into velvet lined in common whispers and bone marrow. 

The letter rests upon June’s head sunken between sculpted brows. Etched in the folds of nights old papyrus contain the sandman leading woman.  

The heed.  

The decree. 

She’s come home to me. 

Jordan McGhee ‘26 is a psychology and criminal justice major. She enjoys playing basketball and pursuing several hobbies. She loves poetry and eventually wants to publish a book after college.