The Circle
by Erin Ryan Meyer
I was taken in the night
Try to sleep
On stains of those that slept here
Before me
Nightmares don’t stop
When the nurses wake for blood
I have entered with nothing
So they can’t take anything
Stinging lights
Sitting in a circle
With branches of family trees
Pregnant silence
Untold stories
Unwelcome visitors come
Windows offer no escape
Just views of concrete and gates
Bricks that ache through empty halls
Air suffocates
Screams that shake the cold white walls
Time marked only by feeding
Food boiled of sustenance
Nothing to keep off the dark
But a sheet
Stick out your tongue
White tablets turn out the night
I become void
Erin Ryan Meyer is a recent graduate, who majored in European history and minored in art history. She enjoys reading, art, and video games. She is currently living at the Jersey Shore while she starts her career.