Moon by Tara Tevald
“Those dreary skies and pouring rains that keep you from me./When I can only hope to see glimpses of you in dreams.”
An Isolated Moment by Carlie Gaush
“the spiraling/of/thoughts/into worries and”
Your Little Heart by Victoria Fenstermacher
“Your little heart soared at the thought /Of all the paths you could choose from”
be anything, do anything-but also no <3 by Sofia Barbour
“our brains were cultivated by chaos/literature and rebellion”
Realistic Entertainment Machine by Nicky Gupta
“there’s a child in a feathery nest/being fed bright orange gummy worms/by two-headed pterodactyls”
I Wish by Madeline Johnson
“I look at you/the way I wish you’d look at me.”
The Circle by Erin Ryan Meyer
“I have entered with nothing/So they can’t take anything”
Strange Alien by Kathleen Peplow
“The survival of a planet resting on one alien’s shoulders./Shoulders with secrets of a culture he barely remembers.”
My Body is not a Temple it is a 90s Taco Bell by Annie Elizabeth Kreiser
“Others have moved in then out again/A lot of what is genuinely out there is gone/Succumbed to corporatized safety”
American-knit by Michelle Yawger
“Imagining your hands/Slowly sliding over mine/Winter turns to spring”